English Suvichar: चला तर विद्यार्थी मित्रांनो आज आपण English Suvichar म्हणजेच Good Thoughts पाहणार आहोत. Marathi Suvichar तर आपण रोज कोठे ना कोठे वाचत व पाहत असतो. आता आपण 100 English Suvichar या लेखाच्या माध्यमातून पाहणार आहोत.
Table of Contents

100 English Suvichar | Good Thoughts | Suvichar in English खालील प्रमाणे
Good Thoughts in English For Students
- The golary of success is not in never falling but in rising
- Every time we at fall.
- Courage to start and willingness to keep everlastingly at it are the requisites for success.
- Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win.
- How a person master his fate is more important that what his fate is.
- Nothing can bring you peace but the trumph of priciples.
- Aim at the stars for even if you fall short, you will land on the moon.
- God can be tealized by true faith alone.
- If you want to be respected you must respect your self.
- Don’t wait for your ship to come in, swim out to it.
- A Positive throught is the seed of a positive results.
- Back, of every noble Bfe. There are principles that have fashioned if.
- Fear is salver, work is liberty courage is victory.
- Where women are worshipped there the Gods love to dwell.
- The wisest person, is not the, one who has the fewest. failures, but the one who turns failures to best account’
- Ve concerned with aetiba only never with its resalts.
- Pesitive attitude create positive people.
- The end of acknowledge imist be building of character.
Marathi Suvichar I 1000+ मराठी सुविचार संग्रह
- Do what’s right, Do it tight, Do it right now.
- Seek your happiness in the happiness of all.
- Ve always ready to, re-exam in your first principles.
- God is love personified.
- A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow.
- Physical bravery is an aairaai instrict, moral bravery is a much higher and truer courage.
- Every where is the same God, the all love.
- Every sucess has a trail of faiitures behind it.
- Character is three fourths of your lives.
- God is love, and love is god.
- No one hates a job well done.
- We are what we think. All that we are arises with’oat thoughts.
- You can bend but to not break.
- Always be enthusiastic a about things you do or want to do.
- Do not assert with your mouth what your heart denies.
- It is not enough to aim, you must hit.
- Great hopes make great men
- I praise loudly, I blame softly.
- Think win win and you can win.
100+hindi suvichar | सुविचार हिन्दी मे | हिन्दी सुविचार
- The highest concept We caa have of god is man.
- Know your responsibilities and the levels of authority you have.
- Love must be given without the thought of reciprocation.
- Great thoughts reduced to practice become great acts.
- A leader is always a person of high integrity and character.
- Worty is today ‘s mouse eating tomwufrrow’s cheese.
- It is the weak man who urges compromise – never the strong man.
- A wise man will make more opportunities than the finds.
- Soft words ave hard arguments.
- Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory.
- To err is human and to forgive, divine.
- Superstition is the religion of feeble minds.
- Success doesn’t come to die sleeper.
- Luck is what happens when perparation meets opportunity.
- If you want to succeed, you must ritake your own opportunities as you go.
- Be told but honest and mighty powers will come to your aid.
- Will opens the door to success.
- Every man is the architect of his own fortune
- Start every day with an inspirting thought.
- Be nofeal in every thought and is every deep.
- Patience and peseverance over come mountains.
- Prayer should be our first-resource rather than our last resort!
- Always maintain a high level of personal conduct and ethics.
- Great thinds are done more through courage than through wisdom.
- Before everythings else, getting ready is the secret of success.
- Admitting errors, and- Clears the score proves you wiser than before.
- Do not speak for other men, speak for yourself.
- Little disciplines multiply rewards.
- It is knowledge that ultimately gives salvation.
- Nothing is impossible to the man who can will, and then do.
- Lack of money is no obstacles. Lack of an idea is an obsacie.
- The vietory-ef success is half won when one agin the habit of work.
- Act quicly and think slowly.
- It is not enough to am, yott mus’t hit
- Life is what your thoughts make it.
- Courage is like a shield that saves man from all dangers in life.
- Always take a job that is too big for you.
- Never give up and never give to.
- One man with courage makes a majority
- The greatness of a techer consists in the simplicity of his language.
- Success is more attitud than aptitude
- the difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.
- Success means gro with and growth means change.
- Man is what he heart is the ocean of love Within the heart is the ocean of love.
- Knowledge is power.
- When one door shuts, another opens.
- Hope is the pillar that holds up the world.
- Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances.
- Purity of the mind is the first things necessary.
- Jumping to conclusions can be a bad exercfee.
- Your bag opportunity may be a right where r you are now.
- The Strongest principle of growth lies in the human choice.
- Write injuries in sand and benefits in marble.
- They can conquer who believe they can.
- Take the road less travelled by others and that will make all the differences.
- Faith knows no disappointment.
- People only fail when they give up.
- Confess thai you were wrong yesterday, it will show that, you are wise today.
- As soon as your trust yourself you will know how to live.
- Every things works for die best..
- Ideals wont work unless you do.
- In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
- If you change your thinking you change your life.
- Be prepared to fate faiteres.
- We must always change renew rejuvenate ourselves, otherwise we harden.
- Never kill imagination encourage it to grow.
- Successful people are very clear about, who they are and what the want.
- Doing good is not always smooth.
- You never really lose untill you quit trying;
- Your only obligation in any life time is to be true to yourself.
- The wise man rejids both books and life itself.
- A Person who never makes mistakes never makes anything.
- Thougbttimes seldom last but though people always last.
- There are really no mistakes m life – only lessons:
- Cherish your yesterday, dream your tomorrows, tet live your today!
- Every thing that is done in the worid is done by hope.
- Be first be different be, daring.
- Adopt, a dapt arid improve.
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This article On Zpshikshak Site was written by Mustapha Shaikh. He is a famous YouTuber and Blogger. He has experience in SEO, web development, and writing SEO content.