Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2024 : Eligibility, 45 vacancy, Advertisement Detail

Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2024 : On May 13, 2024, the Bombay High Court officially issued the job posting for a Clerk at its Nagpur Bench : Nagpur at The application form will be accessible until May 27, 2024, for candidates who fulfill the specific requirements to be appointed to this position.

Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2024

Applications are invited online from aspirant candidates domiciled of Maharashtra, who fulfil below mentioned eligibility criteria and essential conditions on the date of publication of this advertisement, for preparing a Select list of 45 candidates and Wait list of 11 candidates for the post of ‘Clerk’, in the Pay Matrix of S-10: ₹29200-92300/- plus allowances admissible as per rules.

Eligibility Criteria and other essential conditions Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment :-

CategoryMinium Age LimitMaximum Age Limit
For General (Open)18 Years38 Years
For Scheduled Castes, Scheduled  Tribes or Other Backward Classes or Special Backward Class specified, for the time being by the Government of Maharashtra18 Years43 Years
For High Court / Government Employees, applying through a proper channel18 YearsNot Applicable

Educational Qualification For Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment

B) Educational Qualification: The Candidate shall:-

(i) possess University Degree from any recognized University, preference being given to the holders of Degree in Law;

(ii) have passed Government Commercial Certificate Examination or examination conducted by Government Board or Government Certificate in Computer Typing Basic Course (GCC-TBC) or I.T.I. for English Typing with speed of 40 w.p.m or above;

(iii) possess a Computer Certificate about proficiency in operation of Processor in Windows and Linux, in addition to M.S. Office, M.S. Wordstar7 and Open Office Org. obtained from any of the fol Institutes:

a) Universities established under the Maharashtra Universities Act, 1994.

b) Goa/Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education.

c) NIC                   d) DOEACC

e) APTECH            f) NIIT

 g) C-DAC             h) DATAPRO

i) SSI                      j) BOSTON

k) CEDIT                l) MS-CIT

m) Certificate / Qualification regarding Computer knowledge specified in Government Resolutions dated (4/2) / 2013 (8/1) / 2018 and (16/7) / 2018 issued by Information Technology (GAD) Department of Government of Maharashtra.

Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2024 You Have To Know

OrganisationBaombay High Court
Post NameClerk
Post Vacancy45
Application Fee200/-
Official Website
Eligibility CriteriaUniversity degree (Preference for Law graduates), Government Commercial Certificate Examination or equivalent, Government Certificate in Computer Typing Basic Course or I.T.I. for English Typing (40 w.p.m or above), Proficiency in computer operation
Selection MethodWritten Exam, Typing Speed Test Exam
Notification LinkClick here
Apply LinkClick here

Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2024 Online Application form :-

i) Applications will be scrutinized by Computerized programme. Therefore, the candidates are advised to minutely go through all the instructions and detailed advertisement before filling the Online application form. The Registry will not entertain any inquiry/grievance in that respect.

ii) prescribed The candidate shall submit the application online only in the format through the High Court website i.e. for which link shall open at 11.00 a.m. on (13/5) / 2024 to 05.00 p.m. on (27/5) / 2024 after which the link shall be disabled.

Before commencing to fill the rest of online application form, the candidates shall pay registration fee of 200/- by clicking on the link provided, through “SBI Collect” an online gateway facility and get an alphanumeric reference number which shall be filled up in fee details / SBI Collect Reference No. in the Online application.

iv) The candidate should give his/her correct detailed address with Pin Code for correspondence.

v) The candidate should provide correct e-mail address and his/her mobile number on which correspondence will be made, if any.

vi) column. Married candidate should fill correct information in the respective

vii) While filling up the information regarding educational qualification, candidate should mention his/her qualification in following sequence: –

a) S.S.C.,

b) H.S.C.,

c) Graduation,

d) Post graduation

viii) For Graduation, marks obtained and total marks in the Final Year of Graduation (including graduation in 5 years LL. B. course) shall only be mentioned. The marks of previous years need not be mentioned.

Note:- Where there are two semesters in a year, the total of marks of both the semesters shall be mentioned for final year of Graduation.

Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2024  Procedure for online fee payment :-

a) A candidate is required to pay Registration fee of 200/- through SBI-Collect- an online payment gateway facility, only.

b) The candidates are directed to follow instructions given in ‘User Manual’. Additional charges, if any, levied by the concerned bank shall be payable by the candidates.

c) The application shall not be considered without successful payment of fees. No part of the fee shall be refunded, in any case. Mere payment of non- refundable fee by a candidate does not create any right in favour of the candidate to appear for tests.

Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2024, Scheme Of Exam

Scheme of
Scheme Of Exam 2

Other Important Instructions For Bombay High Court Clerk Recruitment 2024 :

i) The candidates applying should ensure that they fulfil the prescribed eligibility conditions on the date of publication of this Advertisement. Their admittance to Tests will be purely provisional and subject to the verification of the certificates/documents from the Original produced at the time of Viva-voce.

ii) The candidates will have to appear for the said Tests and Viva-voce as and when called for, at their own expense. They shall keep with them printout of Admit Card along with original ID proof like Aadhar Card/ PAN / Election Identity Card/Driving licence/Passport etc., while appearing for the said Tests and Viva-voce.

The candidate shall ensure that the Application form is properly filled. The Application missing necessary particulars shall be summarily rejected. If any particulars furnished by a candidate is found to be false or incorrect or it is found that the candidate does not fulfil any of the eligibility conditions, at any stage of selection process, his/her candidature shall be rejected and such candidate shall be debarred from the recruitment process without any notice and if appointed, will be liable to be dismissed/terminated. The suppression of any material fact will be similarly treated.

iv) The eligibility of a candidate, who is to be called for the Viva-voce/Interview, on the basis of marks obtained by him/her in the Screening Test and Typing Test, shall be finally decided after scrutiny of the applications, verification of original documents and testimonials produced at the time of Viva- voce/Interview. After due scrutiny, only eligible candidates will be allowed to appear for the Viva-voce.

v) The candidates are advised to visit Website of Bombay High Court for update of information about the recruitment process or change of schedule of recruitment process on account of any unforeseen event/s, beyond the control of the office. The High Court shall not be responsible for missing or non-receipt of any information on account of his/her failure to checkup with the official website from time to time.

vi) In case candidate submits more than one application form, he/she must note that the application last submitted will only be entertained. No correspondence requesting to accept previous application(s) will be entertained.

vii) Candidates must note that fee once paid will not be refunded in any circumstances even in case where fee for more than one application form has been paid by the candidate.

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