Good Morning Students. Now ,today we are going to see more information about how the English Morning Assembly Anchoring is to be prepare.It is Starter Of Our Daily School Life.
Table of Contents
Morning Every One
—– Stand at ease / Attention
1)National Anthem For Morning Assembly Anchoring:
The national anthem, like other national symbols of a
Nation, addresses the
Custom, history, and convictions of a country and its kin.
Subsequently, it inspires
Sensations of enthusiasm among the nation’s residents and
helps them to remember their country’s
Magnificence, excellence, and rich legacy.
Get ready for National Anthem
Start the National Anthem….
Tava Subha
Name Jage
Tava Subha
Ashish Mage
Gahe Tava
Jaya Gatha.
Dayaka, Jaya He
Bharata – Bhagya
– Vidhata,
Jaya He,
Jaya He, Jaya He,
Jaya, Jaya,
Jaya, Jaya he.
2)Pledge :
The Pledge plainly explains our qualities, public ethos and
vision for the country. It
is essencial that as we proceed to battle and work for our
nation , we continually reflect
Furthermore, pride ourselves as a country.
Get ready for Pledge
Start the Pledge ….
India is my
All Indians
are my brothers and sisters.
I love my
country and
I am proud
of its rich and varied heritage.
I shall
always strive to be worthy of it.
I shall
give respect to my parents,
and All elders and treat everyone with courtesy.
To my
country and my people,
I pledge my
In their Well
being and prosperity
Alone, lies
my happiness.
3)The Constitution of India:
The Constitution of India is
the incomparable regulation of India. It sets out the system
Characterizing major
political Standards, lays out the construction, techniques,
Powers and obligations of
government foundations and sets out essential Privileges,
Order standards and the
obligations of residents.
Get ready for Constitution
Start the Constitution ….
We, The People of India, having
solemnly resolved to constitute India into a Sovereign
Socialist Secular Democratic Republic
and to secure to all its citizens:
Justice, social, economic and political;
Liberty of Thought, expression, belief, faith
and worship;
Equality of status and of
Opportunity; and to promote among them all
Fraternity assuring the dignity of
the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
In Our CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth
day of November, 1949, do Hereby
Adopt, Enact And
Give To Ourselves This CONSTITUTION.
All of you get ready in prayer position – Join Your hands & close your eyes.
————–You can take Any Of The
5) Shlok :
of you get ready in Shlok position –
Join Your hands & close your eyes.
मना सज्जना भक्तिपंथेचि जावे | तरी श्रीहरी पाविजेतो स्वभावे |
जनी निंद्य ते सर्व सोडूनि द्यावे | जनी वंद्य ते सर्वभावे करावे ||
ready for Pasaydan – Join Your hands & close your eyes
विश्वात्मके देवे, येणे वाग्येज्ञे तोषावे
मज द्यावे, पसायदान हे ||
खळांची व्यंकटी सांडो, तया सत्कर्मी रती वाढो
परस्परे जडो, मैत्र जीवांचे ||
तिमीर जावो, विश्व स्वधर्मसूर्ये पाहो
जे वांच्छील तो ते लाहो प्राणीजात ||
सकळ मंगळी, ईश्वरनिष्ठांची मांदियाळी
भूमंडळी, भेटतू भूतां ||
कल्पतरूंचे आरव, चेतनाचिंतामणीचे गांव
जे अर्णव, पीयूषांचे ||
जे अलांछन, मार्तंड जे तापहीन
सर्वांही सदा सज्जन, सोयरे होतु ||
सर्व सुखी, पुर्ण होऊनि तिहींलोकी
आदिपुरूषी, अखंडीत ||
आणि ग्रंथोपजीविये, विशेषी लोकी इये
दृष्टदृष्ट विजयी, हो आवे जी
येथ म्हणे श्रीविश्वेश्वरावो, हा होईल दान पसावो
येणे वरे ज्ञानदेवो सुखिया जाहला
7) Patriotic Song:
Get Ready For Patriotic Song———
Start The Patriotic Song———–
8) News Bulletin:
Our Parentsrs and Our School Teachers have exceptionally
large assumptions and dreams from us. Furthermore, to
Satisfy these fantasies, We ought to be in contact with
every single occurring, minutes
Furthermore, occurrences occurring encompass.
____________________ will present Today’s news headlines.
9) Importance of the Day:
Everyday life comes with a new hopes and happening. we need
to know the
Special significance of each and every day.So………..
Hence, ____________________ will present
special significance of the day.
10) Story:
Not everything or all our fantasies turn out to be valid, yet remember to regard
the circumstances that fulfilled you. What’s more, in such a circumstance, in
troublesome times, we need to come to the culmination of the accomplishment
with the right attitude. We will listen to today’s story to rouse ourselves.
____________________ will present the Todays story.
11) General Knowledge Question:
Hello students, while moving in this society we need
to be updated about the happenings around us. and also need to be aware of
current affairs and hence we are coming up with some general knowledge
Todays General Knowledge Questions
So, Here we comes to
the End of Daily Assembly, Thanks To All !!
Have a Good day To All My Dear Students.
Go For Class……..
हे देखील वाचा :
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PDF डाऊनलोड करण्यासाठी खालील बटणांवर क्लीक करा

This article On Zpshikshak Site was written by Mustapha Shaikh. He is a famous YouTuber and Blogger. He has experience in SEO, web development, and writing SEO content.